Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Thoughts on Pregnancy

First of all, I have to say my expectations of pregnancy were dashed to pieces very early. My mom always told me how much she "loved being pregnant." She never threw up, and only gained about 20 pounds, which gracefully melted off in delivery. So when I found myself spending full hours crouched by the toilet at week 6, I was significantly disappointed.

Thought one: I have invented a new medical condition. It's called gastric tetany. It's when your stomach involuntarily and permanently contracts, expelling any and all of its contents. Thought 1a: if you didn't have to throw up before, just put your face by a toilet. Nothing makes me want to throw up more. Or maybe it's just a learned response. Not sure.There is no cure but time to gastric tetany. I woke up one day at about 12 weeks and felt better. But those 6 weeks were awful.

Thought two. Pregnancy is not synonymous with incapacity. Nobody will let me do anything because they think I might break. I'm not too upset about this one, though. I'll take advantage while I still can.

Thought four: I have become a hypochondriac, thinking that everything that could possibly go wrong with my baby inevitably will.

Thought five: I actually don't mind people touching my belly. It helps calm my insecurities that I just look fat.

Thought six: I used to never go down the baby aisle at the store. I just didn't care. Now I can't avoid it. I love all things baby. I'm so excited to have one!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

a hawaii surprise

My dad turned 50 last week, and decided to take our family to Hawaii to celebrate. We had a blast, and I'll blog about that later, but I just wanted to share the gift Caleb and I got my dad for his milestone birthday. It was a picture of this:

We are having a baby! I'm about 14.5 weeks along, and Baby Miskin is due on December 6. We are so excited!