Thursday, July 12, 2012


We hardly got any photos from the 4th of July. To be honest, it was so blasted hot that we didn't do much at all. You know, I thought I knew what hot was. I grew up in California, so I expected that I could easily manage 100+ temperatures. Not so. I think if the devil himself left the fire and brimstone of the infernal pit, he would set up camp in the Midwest. For the past few weeks I feel like I am swimming in flames when I step outside. And that's why we didn't even watch fireworks this Independence Day. Sad. We did, however, go to a potluck, which had so many adorable pinterest-esqe foods that I thought I would die. My particular favorite was the layered flag drinks found here. Caleb, of course, appreciated the  drink for its chemistry-based demonstration of liquid densities. Anyhow, these are the only photos of the day:

I've also been meaning to share this video of Alaina laughing. Nothing humors her more than violence, I guess.

And lastly, I will share that two teeth recently popped up in Alaina's mouth. All I have to say about that is, well, it makes breastfeeding darn-near excruciating at times. The worst thing: my baby thinks it's funny.


  1. UGH! SO cuute! We love that baby!

  2. so cute! aidyn loves the violence too...and now you know why i used to flick aidyns mouth when she bit me when nursing :) made it easy to stop at 10 months
