Saturday, June 22, 2013

Early morning thoughts

It's 5:30 on a Saturday morning and I can't sleep. We can thank a bad dream for that. So I think I will update my blog, check (again) on Alaina (since the dream involved her safety. I hate those.), and then make some waffles. Caleb just got back from a week in Florida "working" at a conference. I guess I won't feel too jealous since I often do my "mothering" at the pool, but it's nice to have a husband again.

Several things change when Caleb goes out of town: a) the quality of my diet tanks. Like I'm gonna make a real dinner when Alaina and I would both rather eat Cinnamon Life on the couch anyway. b) My house stays much cleaner--not because Caleb is a slob, but because I have all this spare time at night, so I might as well clean. c) I also have more time to read. Just finished The Devil in the White City, which could be the worst book to read while home alone, as it is a book about America's first  serial killer, who prayed on unsuspecting women during the Chicago World Fair in the late 1800s. Very fascinating, but I think I need a dose of Jane Austen or something after that one. d) I get starved for adult conversation. It's hard when the only person to talk to has a 15-word vocabulary.

Other good news: Alaina is finally old enough for nursery at church. Boy is that nice. And I don't even feel bad about admitting it since it's the highlight of her week too. We found out that we are having a boy! Does anyone else struggle with boy names as much as me? Caleb and I can't agree on a single one. Corrie has already named him though. She calls him Scorpio Bartholomew. Nice.

Ok, I'm hungry. Waffle time.


  1. Boy names are THE hardest. But little boys are just the best. Congratulations!!!!

  2. Yay! So happy for you guys. I have been thinking about you a lot lately, must be happy little-boy vibes :)

  3. Congrats on the boy! And Corrie's suggestion is very creative :) Love you!
