Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Holiday Recap

So much for blogging more. Here's what's been happening with the Miskins lately:

Our ward did a "Night in Bethlehem" activity--biblical dress and all. Our friend joined us for the evening (she goes to school with Caleb.) The funny thing: her name is Bethlehem. So we had a night in Bethlehem and a night with Bethlehem. Alaina was a diva and refused to dress up. She looks like a boy in that outfit.

We spent Christmas in California. I used to love flying, with its excitement of takeoff, complimentary snacks and beverages, and thrill of travelling hundreds of miles per hour through the clouds. Now I detest it. I know I should be grateful for an alternative to driving 36 hours across the country, but with every plane ride I struggle to find the silver lining. What do I hate, exactly? Well, it's the recirculated air during flu season, the crowded seating, the testy flight attendants, the frantic layovers, and the icy glares from passengers who get stuck sitting next to a toddler. Fortunately, I have never had a problem sleeping on airplanes. It appears this is a genetic trait. Thanks to Caleb for capturing this flattering moment.

Yes, the plane ride was rough, but Christmas was so fun. Remind me why we live so far from our families? (That previous sentence is not a question, but using a period seemed weird.)

Highlights from the trip include sand volleyball, a hike in the snow, lots of good food, and some competitive family games. I can't forget the Poinsettia Bowl, where we watched BYU overcome a slow first 3 quarters to beat SDSU on their home turf. I'm proud to say our posters made the Deseret News, the San Diego Tribune, the official BYU Facebook page, and one person even said they saw us on tv (this has yet to be verified.) The idea belonged to Caleb's dad, but I must brag that I made the posters, and that the "Y" was my idea. We got standing ovations from the crowd--even SDSU fans--except this one guy, who yelled, "Actually, in history the Aztecs beat the Myans, so you need to get your facts straight." A) I don't think that's true, and B) I think he missed the point.

 Here are some more pics from Christmas:

 LA Temple Visitor's Center

 Hiking at Forest Falls. Doesn't really look like California, does it?

 We are a happy family.

 Alaina loves her Grandpa.

 Apparently she didn't get enough exciting presents.

 Grandma made her these ADORABLE new pjs.

 Snell cousins in their new pajama bottoms. If Caleb had a child that looked just like him, it would be Alaina. If I had a child that looked just like me, it would be my niece Aidyn (left). She looks just like I did as a child.

 We went to a trampoline park in Temecula. Here is my lovely action photo. I always forget to close my mouth in jumping pictures. Eeek.

3 sisters, with a typical cross-eyed Corrie.


  1. Funny, I saw a picture of your poster on facebook I think. Definitely not from your family. I didn't look that close to notice it was you guys behind. Awesome!

  2. I saw your picture too! I didn't look close enough to see who it was either! I showed it to Justin when I first saw it and we talked about how clever it was, nice work!

  3. 1. Looks like you at least got the middle seat free on the flight--that's always a bonus 2. Yes, Alaina looks alot like Caleb. 3. We went to a Trampoline place too over Christmas! I'm kicking myself for not getting an awesome action shot though--and the open mouth part cracks me up! haha!
