Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pleas sir, I want some more.

I've seen a lot of my girl friends post pictures on Facebook of the creative and adorable breakfasts they were served in bed on Valentine's Day by their loyal husbands. I just want to say that my husband was one of those men who did so--only the food didn't last long enough to take a picture of. I devoured it pretty quickly. You see, I love food. When skinny girls have food obsessions people think, "Aww, that's quirky," or "How cute." When heavier women admit to it, people raise their eyebrows and think, "Well obviously..." I hope you're not thinking the latter of me. But since I think I fall somewhere between the two groups, feel free to feel either adoration or embarrassment for me. I've never been one to hide my feelings.
So food. Yes, I love to eat. This month we had a family fast for my sister who is a missionary in Ukraine. She started training after her first transfer, and was really nervous. This meant fasting on Fast Sunday, and then fasting again three days later. It nearly killed me. Fasting is definitely the hardest commandment for me to follow. I'm one of those people who is tempted to get pregnant or breastfeed my child for unnaturally long periods of time just to avoid fasting. Ok it's not that bad, but let's just say that diamonds are not this girl's best friend.


  1. Meeeeeeee tooooooooooooooooooo!

  2. I definitely feel the same way. And you are SO NOT a heavier woman. :)

  3. Ha ha! I am laughing so hard right now. I usually read your blog posts out loud to Spencer because they are so funny. We appreciate a good hearty meal over here on our end and don't apologize for it. Whatever, you are a total babe and always have been! Especially after having a baby! Nothing to be ashamed of! Food is meant to make us happy!
