Monday, February 11, 2013

the fester sequester

So on the news I have been hearing all about the "sequester" and I had no idea what it was. So I googled it, and thought I would share my findings with anyone else who cares.

The sequester is a package of government spending cuts that will automatically take place (or should have already taken place as of Jan. 1).

It was created as a sort of incentive for some congressional super-committee to come to agreements on budget cuts. They could either choose where to make budget cuts, or the sequester would choose for them.

Surprisingly (not), they didn't come to agreements on those budget cuts, so now the consequence of the sequester will kick in... or maybe not. Congress can just keep voting to delay these cuts until they figure out what the heck they are doing. I reminds me of some pathetic middle school group project. The kids in the group can't decide on what to do for their project, so when the deadline approaches, they tell the teacher, "We voted ourselves an extension." I wish Americans would do what any teacher would do, and give them all fat Fs.

I just have to laugh, or I think I might cry. I'm SICK of watching the leaders of our country (both parties included) ignore deadlines and delay financial consequences because they are too busy fighting with each other.

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