Thursday, December 15, 2011

She's Here!

Alaina Beth Miskin joined our family on Monday, Dec. 12 at 10:14am. We are so excited to have her safely here with us! Here are some photos from the day. Please forgive my appearance. Childbirth is rough.

 At my last appointment the doc said she would probably be between 7.5 and 8 pounds. Liar.

 She is HUGE. The nurses were joking that I gave birth to a toddler.

 You know, we never really think about how traumatic the birth experience must be for the baby. I think I'd have a swollen face too if I just made a trip down the birth canal.

 We're thinking she'll be a linebacker. Look at those shoulders!

 Best husband award goes to Caleb. I could not have had Alaina naturally without his help. Poor guy was up with me all night and never left my side. He even has a few bruises and scratches to prove it!

 She finally decided to open her eyes!

 I've changed my perspective a little on natural childbirth. Before I was really into it because I am all about having control over my body, promoting a speedy recovery, and letting the body do what it knows how to do. But after having Alaina, I have changed my views a little. Why? Well, because first of all, when I was writhing in pain from contractions, there was no control no matter how hard I tried to focus. An epidural may take away some control of your body, but at least you can smile through it. Second, a natural birth does not guarantee a speedy recovery. Case and point: me. I lost a lot more blood than I should have, which led to me losing consciousness three separate times after birth. I ended up needing a huge bolus of fluids and two blood transfusions. I was so weak that I could hardly pick up my baby. If I were born 100 years ago, I probably would have died. So much for a speedy recovery, and three cheers for modern medicine!
 I'm not saying I'm against natural childbirth now or anything. I still ardently admire any woman who chooses to do it; I'm just simply much more open to other options now. I also can't help but think how much better I'd look in pictures too... but that's a rather vain reason.

I know I'm partial, but I just think she is the most beautiful baby in the world. I love her so much, and am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for blessing us with a happy, healthy baby girl. Christmas came early for the Miskins!


  1. she is beautiful, and you look GREAT! Sounds like you had it really rough- I hope you can recover quickly. Just don't try to do too much too soon! congratulations!

  2. what a little chub!!! :) chubby babies are my absolute favorite!
    Congrats lindsey!! she is asbsolutely BEAUTIFUL! and i totally love love love her name!!
    and i'm totally impressed that you did the labor all natural. i'm not brave enough to do that yet...maybe someday?

  3. Congratulations! She is beautiful. I'm sorry things were so rough. Let's talk soon. Good job mama!

  4. Oh, wow! What a story I'm glad Alaina is healthy and that we have modern medicine for you!! What a trooper you are to go naturally. Very impressive.
    Merry Christmas to you and your cute little family!!

  5. Wow! You are a brave, brave woman. :) And congratulations! She's so pretty and perfect.

  6. She's gorgeous and you look great too! you are my hero, I thought all about the natural thing but when I was staring the contractions in the face & dilated about a 1 I caved. YOU GO GIRL! I'm so glad she's here and you are happy with your little family! Love you cuz!

  7. She is beautiful! Definitely a linebacker! Our baby girl Samantha had big hands so we figured a catcher for baseball, lol. Congratulations and way to go with the natural birth, I was just too chicken to do it and it ended up not mattering anyways since Samantha was breach so I had to have a c-section either way.
