Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Gr8 Deb8

Ok, I'm a political junkie. I hesitate in blogging my thoughts because I 1) don't want to alienate friends/readers who disagree with me, and 2) tend to get a little worked up about certain political issues. That being said...

Did you watch the debate last night? I did (as always). This time I actually took notes on my thoughts during the debate, so I thought I'd share some of them. Who knows, maybe I'll have my own talk show someday.

*Winner? That depends on what you're looking for.
Winner on style? Obama. Winner on substance? Romney.
Obama had some witty one-liners that got the audience laughing. He also seemed much more at ease than at his last debate. It was such a dramatic difference from the first debate that he definitely gets the "Most Improved" award. Romney also had a solid performance, but I did feel like he was on the defensive more than in the first debate. That being said, Romney called to question many of the president's policies, and I didn't feel like Obama could give convincing answers. The most disturbing example of this was the question about the tragedy in Libya. Most of the conservative media is criticizing the mediator Candy Crowley for favoring Obama, but I didn't really agree with that except in the Libya question. Americans want to know why the Libyan ambassador was denied more security, and why we weren't given answers sooner, but I felt like Candy gave the president a pass on that question, and ignored Romney's very valid arguments.

*I wish that both candidates would just give a pep talk to the American people. I know it would mean political suicide, but I would love to hear: "Yeah, times are tough, but you know what? We need to be tougher. That may mean eating ramen, rice, and beans for a while. That may mean temporarily taking a minimum wage job out of college instead of moving into your parents' basement and complaining about sky-high student loans. That may mean saying no to the latest iphone because you can't afford it, or shopping at a thrift store or garage sale. WE CAN DO HARD THINGS! America is only as good as it's people. No matter who the president is, if we aren't a moral and a fiscally responsible people, our country will still fail.

*I'm sick of all the demonizing of rich people! We all hate them until we are one of them. The millionaires are huge job creators. Don't we all want to make more money? If we tax the snot out them, they can't pump that money into the economy. We need them. 60% is already a plenty high tax rate. And for those saying Romney isn't fit for president because he's too rich, I would say:
1) The fact that he didn't take a salary for being governor of Massachusetts shows that he isn't in it for the money.
2) His record shows that he knows how to manage money. I trust him with my tax dollars.

*Debates shouldn't change our minds on who we will vote for. They are more for entertainment, not for enlightenment. Look at the candidates' policies and beliefs, and vote based on that. But I sure enjoy watching. :)


  1. Don't worry, I won't be alienated if you aren't ;) I probably think about you and Caleb almost every time I post something political on Facebook, worrying that I'm destroying friendships in the process. For most people I don't really care, but there are a few who I'd rather not alienate. Love you guys.
